MA-Waiver Programs

The Basics

Minnesota’s MA-Waiver programs provide services that help people with disabilities live in the community rather than in an institution.

These programs are a part of Medical Assistance (MA). You must qualify for disability-based MA or for Medical Assistance for Employed Persons with Disabilities (MA-EPD) to enroll in a MA-Waiver program.

Note: Many people get income-based MA, not disability-based MA. If you get MA and are not sure whether you get it is disability-based, Chat with a Hub expert to check or contact your local county or tribal human services office.

There are five different MA-Waiver programs in Minnesota, four of which will be discussed in this section. Each individual program serves a different population:

The Elderly Waiver and the Alternative Care Program serve people age 65 or older and won’t be discussed in this section.

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