About Disability Benefits 101

Minnesotans with disabilities want to work. However, many people with disabilities fear that if they go to work, they'll lose needed health care and other disability benefits. With Disability Benefits 101 (DB101), people can explore different ways to balance benefits and work.

DB101 helps people with disabilities learn how income may impact benefits so they can make informed choices, reduce fears, and ensure work is part of the plan.

DB101 provides:

  • Information: Learn about benefits programs and rules around work. Get answers to frequently asked questions. Find out how to avoid common pitfalls.
  • Estimators: Get results tailored just for you that helps you plan and set goals for work. Get tips for success for your individual situation.
  • Experts: Find answers to your questions. Connect to community resources. Get help understanding your next steps. DB101’s Chat with a Hub expert connects you to a real person who can help with your situation.


DB101 conforms to W3C and Section 508 accessibility standards. Use the feedback form to let us know about any accessibility issues.

Training Options

DB101 Information Services produce workshops, webcasts, half-day, full-day, evening, and computer lab training events, co-designed with our state partners and the target audiences we work with. Contact Heather Duncan for more information, by phone (510-225-6400) or email (WIDsupport@wid.org).


DB101 Site

Since 2002 the DB101 Team has been working together to design, produce, maintain, test, and refine web based benefits planning information and estimator tools.

The DB101 Team is:

The Minnesota Department of Human Services (DHS) and Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED), through their Pathways to Employment (PTE) partnership, contracted with the World Institute Disability (WID) to adapt the California Disability Benefits 101 website to meet the needs of Minnesotans.

DB101 MN is part of the Disability Hub MN system. Disability Hub MN provides DB101’s Chat with a Hub expert services and provides access to DB101 for people without computers.

Chat with a Hub expert

When you have questions or need help, use Chat with a Hub expert. This feature connects you to a Hub expert using live chat, phone, or secure email. Anything you talk about is private.

Chat with a Hub expert to:

  • Understand your current benefits
  • Get help using DB101.org
  • Connect to resources
  • Plan next steps

How Do I Get DB101 In My State?

If you are interested in bringing DB101 to your state, please contact Heather Duncan at the World Institute on Disability to learn more! You can reach Heather by phone (510-225-6400) or email (WIDsupport@wid.org).