
Frequently Asked Questions

There are 3 main ways to apply for MinnesotaCare:

Both Medical Assistance (MA) and MinnesotaCare are public health coverage programs:

  • Income-based MA is for people with income that’s 138% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines (FPG) or less, which is $20,783 per year for an individual ($43,056 for a family of four). The income limits are higher for pregnant women and children and are calculated differently for disability-based MA.
  • MinnesotaCare is similar to MA, but you have to pay a monthly premium for it. It is for people who:
    • Have income at or below 200% of FPG ($30,120 per year for an individual; $62,400 for a family of four), and
    • Can’t get affordable health coverage through MA, Medicare, or their jobs.

No. MinnesotaCare is only for people who cannot get Medicare, Medical Assistance (MA), or affordable employer-sponsored coverage.

You may have to pay a monthly premium for MinnesotaCare. The exact amount you pay depends on your family’s income and household size and the most you would have to pay is $28 per family member. Some people don't have to pay a premium, including children, American Indians, and households with income that is below 35% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines (FPG). Check MinnesotaCare’s premium table to see what your premium might be.

Generally, if you are 21 years old or older, you pay copayments for services. Copayment amounts depend on the medical service you get. Here are some examples:

  • Nothing for preventive care
  • $10 for generic prescription drugs and $25 for brand-name drugs
  • $28 for nonpreventive office visits
  • $100 for an emergency room visit

For more information about copayment amounts, call the Minnesota Health Care Programs (MHCP) Help Desk at 1-651-431-2670 or 1-800-657-3739.

Note: American Indians in federally recognized tribes do not pay copayments or deductibles.

No. MinnesotaCare has no asset limit.

If your employer offers you affordable health coverage, you cannot get MinnesotaCare nor can you get subsidies for purchasing an individual health plan through MNsure.

If you qualify for MinnesotaCare, you cannot get a subsidized individual insurance plan. What that means is that if you chose to get a private plan, you would have to pay the full monthly premium yourself, with no government help through tax credits.

If you qualify for MinnesotaCare, it is usually your best choice.

Yes. Starting January 1, 2025, immigration status does not impact MinnesotaCare eligibility. Now, any immigrant who cannot get other types of coverage and has income below the income limit may qualify.

Note: If you are an immigrant who cannot get Medical Assistance (MA), you may be able to get MinnesotaCare even if your income is at or below 138% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines (FPG) ($20,783 per year; $43,056 for a family of four).

If you make more than the income limit for MinnesotaCare and cannot get coverage through your or a family member’s job, use MNsure to see about getting an individual plan that the government will help you pay for. Read DB101’s Individual Health Plans article to learn more about how to buy insurance on your own through MNsure.

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