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The Basics
MinnesotaCare is a public program that helps pay medical expenses for people with low to middle income. It is for individuals and families who:
- Can’t get affordable insurance through their job, Medical Assistance (MA), or Medicare, and
- Make $30,120 or less per year ($62,400 or less for a family of four).
If you qualify, MinnesotaCare will help pay for your visits to the doctor, hospital stays, prescription drugs, medical equipment, and other medical services. To get MinnesotaCare, you may have to pay a monthly premium ($28 per family member or less).
This article is about MinnesotaCare and will help you understand:
- If it is right for you
- What services it covers
- How much it costs, and
- How to sign up.
If you have questions about MinnesotaCare and need to talk with somebody:
- Visit or call your local county or tribal human services office.
- Check out the MNsure website. You can also call them up at 1-855-3-MNSURE (1-855-366-7873).
- Contact a MNsure Assister.
- If you have a disability, Chat with a Hub expert to learn more about health programs for people with disabilities.
- MinnesotaCare is for people whose families make 200% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines (FPG) or less and who do not qualify for Medical Assistance (MA).
- You can get MinnesotaCare no matter how much you have in assets.
- You cannot choose between MA or MinnesotaCare; if you qualify for one program, you will not qualify for the other.
- Monthly premiums are low.
- There is a single marketplace called MNsure where you can compare and sign up for plans, including MinnesotaCare and private health coverage.
Learn how Minnesota benefits can help you get ahead when you work by watching the short video below.
Note: DB101 keeps track of changes to health coverage and related laws. DB101 has been and will continue to be updated to reflect any changes. For news related to health coverage, visit the Minnesota Department of Human Services (DHS).
Learn more
Finding the Right Coverage For You
Try this interactive guide to see your health coverage options.
Medical Assistance (MA): Overview
MA is public health coverage. There are different ways to qualify.
For people with disabilities who work. No income limit.
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