General Assistance (GA)

The GA Benefit

When you are approved for GA, you’ll get a notice telling you when your benefits will begin and the amount you’ll receive.

You will get monthly payments from GA. In certain situtations you can get payments on a weekly basis.

In some cases your GA benefit goes directly to other people. For example, the money might go directly to your landlord for rent. The money could also go to someone who will manage it for you. This person is called a protective payee.

You can choose from three different ways to get your GA payments:
  1. Through an Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) card
  2. Through direct deposit to a bank account
  3. Through a check from the State of Minnesota

The Benefit Amount

GA takes the income limit and subtracts the amount of your income that they count. The number that they come up with is the amount of money you get each month.

For example, if you are a married couple and you have $175 in income from working:

Sample GA Calculation (married, working):

Other Minnesota Benefit Programs

If you get GA, you should also apply for SNAP at the same time. You probably can also get Medical Assistance (MA) health coverage, but you have to apply for it separately at your county or tribal human services office or by using MNsure.

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