Programs That Support Work

Minnesota CareerForce

A Minnesota CareerForce location can help you with your job search or career planning.

There are nearly 50 CareerForce locations statewide. Each has a knowledgeable staff to guide you and can give you important tools to make your job search a success. Most CareerForce location services are provided free of charge.

All CareerForce locations have assistive technology to help you use their services and resources. The CareerForce staff can help people with disabilities learn more about working and programs that support work.


All CareerForce locations have staff who can tell you about services offered at the location and any special services that might be available to you. They can help you use online job banks and other employment websites, such as the statewide jobs banks.

CareerForce staff can also give you advice about local employers who are hiring, teach you the basics of how to do a job search, and help you with your resume.

All CareerForce locations have office equipment that can help you with your job search, including telephones, copy machines, computers with Internet access, printers, and fax machines.

Each CareerForce location also has a library with books about how to search for a job, how to write resumes and cover letters, how to interview well, and which industries and jobs are expected to offer good prospects for the future.

Assistive Technology

All CareerForce locations have assistive technology to help you use their services and resources.

CareerForce locations are equipped with computer software and equipment to help people who are blind, visually impaired, or who have other physical impairments, to use computer programs, websites, and read printed materials.

Each CareerForce location has a TTY for people who are deaf or have hearing impairments, and access to speech-to-speech service for people with speech impairments.

Other available assistive technology includes:

  • Closed Caption Decoder-Enabled TV/VCR
  • Job Access with Speech (JAWS) for Windows
  • Okay Vision Aide Corporation (OVAC) Reader
  • Pocket Talker Personal Amplifier
  • ZoomText Software

CareerForce Locations

Visit a Minnesota CareerForce location near you, or call 1-651-259-7501.

Courses, Workshops, and Trainings

Each CareerForce location offers a variety of workshops to help with your job search and career planning. Examples of workshops include:

  • Interviewing skills
  • Networking
  • Internet job searches
  • Completing job applications
  • Writing effective resumes and cover letters

Click here to view a schedule of workshops and training sessions being offered throughout the state.

CareerForce locations also sponsor career fairs to help bring employers and job seekers into contact with one another. Career fairs are great places to apply for jobs and to learn about what industries are hiring and what types of positions are available. To find a job or career fair near you, click here.

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