Parent Focus: Four Ways Benefits Support Work

MA Covers People With Disabilities Who Work

People with disabilities who work can get Medical Assistance (MA) no matter how much they make.

MA Rules that Help Young People who Get Jobs

These rules mean your child can keep MA even while making a lot of money at work:

  • SSI 1619(b) helps people stay on MA if they got SSI before starting a job. If your child keeps getting SSI while working, MA will continue because your child’s income will still be low. But if your child makes enough money that SSI benefits end, the 1619(b) rule lets MA continue even if your child makes up to $79,483 per year.
  • Another option is Medical Assistance for Employed Persons with Disabilities (MA-EPD). MA-EPD lets people pay a small monthly premium to get MA coverage. MA-EPD has no income limit, so your child could make $100,000 per year and still get it. Note: There’s no asset limit for MA-EPD; they can save as much as they want.
The bottom line

Your child can get MA coverage after getting a job.

Learn more about MA-EPD and SSI 1619(b).

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