Program HH


AIDS Drug Assistance Program (ADAP)

The AIDS Drug Assistance Program (ADAP) helps pay for many major drugs used to treat HIV and HIV-related conditions. It will also help pay for generic multi-vitamins.

If you are uninsured, ADAP will pay for all of your medications that are on their formulary (the list of medications that they cover). If you have insurance, ADAP may pay all of the copayments your private insurance requires for these medications.

To learn more, read DB101’s Prescription Drug Coverage section or Chat with a Hub expert.

Insurance Program

The Program HH Insurance Program will pay your premiums for some types of medical insurance, including:

Program HH will no longer pay COBRA premiums for new clients.

Dental Program

The Program HH Dental Program helps pay for routine diagnostic, preventative, and corrective dental procedures provided by a Program HH-approved dentist.

If you do not have dental insurance, the Dental Program may directly pay the dentist some of your dental costs. If you have dental insurance, the Dental Program may cover your deductible for routine dental procedures, copayments, and coinsurance. Certain procedures require prior authorization.

Procedures covered by the Dental Program include:

  • Fillings
  • Exams
  • Extractions
  • Cleaning
  • Basic root canals
  • X-rays
  • Crowns (with prior authorization)
  • Dentures (with prior authorization)

Mental Health Program

The Program HH Mental Health Program will pay for some outpatient counseling and assessments with an approved state-registered mental health professional. You can apply for Mental Health Program coverage if you do not have mental health insurance coverage or if you have used up your mental health care benefits.

Once enrolled in the Mental Health Program, you will be eligible for a one-hour assessment by a mental health provider that you choose. After the assessment, the mental health provider can contact Program HH to get authorization for any further sessions.

The Mental Health Program usually does not cover the cost of medication, but there are a few mental health medications that may be available if you are also enrolled in ADAP.

Nutritional Supplement Program

The Program HH Nutritional Supplement Program helps people with HIV/AIDS who have experienced excessive weight loss or wasting. The program provides dietary supplements to help you gain weight. To get these supplements, you must meet with a licensed dietitian who will determine if you qualify for the program.

If you qualify, the program will pay up to $100 each month for nutritional supplements approved by the dietician. Once enrolled, you will need to meet with the dietician every six months to review your condition and the supplements you need.

The supplements may be purchased at any outpatient pharmacy or medical supplier that is a Minnesota Health Care Programs (MHCP) provider. If you have any questions about this, Chat with a Hub expert.

Medication Therapy Management (MTM) Program

The Medication Therapy Management (MTM) is a service that helps you understand and take your HIV/AIDS medications. The program is done through participating pharmacists.

A pharmacist participating in this program will look at your medication history to make sure that your medications don’t negatively interact. He or she will also help you deal with any side effects caused by your medications and can provide you with things like pill boxes and other tools that help you remember to take your medications.

Not all pharmacies provide MTM services. Call Program HH Customer Care at 1-651-431-2398 for help in finding a participating pharmacy.

Case Management Program

The HIV/AIDS Case Management Program helps people living with HIV/AIDS in various ways. Case management can help you overcome barriers to accessing services, set and achieve goals, and find resources. Case management can help you get services you need, such as health care or legal advice. These services are provided by HIV/AIDS programs, hospitals, and other organizations.

If you have any questions about HIV resources, call Minnesota's Ryan White Programs Customer Care Line at 1-651-431-2398 or 1-800-657-3761.

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