Minnesota Glossary Entries
A rule that lets people who stop getting Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits due to work income keep their Medical Assistance health coverage while earning up to $79,483 per year. 1619(b) also makes it easier to get SSI benefits started up again if your countable income goes below SSI's income limit. For 1619(b), you must continue to meet other SSI eligibility rules, such as the resource limit.
Note: If your earnings are over this limit and you have high medical expenses, you might still qualify for 1619(b). Ask your local Social Security office about the 1619(b) Individualized Earnings Threshold.
A tool the State of Minnesota uses to find unreported financial accounts. To get benefits from disability-based Medical Assistance (MA), Medical Assistance for Employed Persons with Disabilities (MA-EPD), or a Medicare Savings Program, people who are age 65 or older, blind, or who have a disability must sign a form to approve the use of the AVS.
Health coverage offered by your employer that:
- Would cost you, for your policy alone, less than 9.02% of your income for the monthly premium, and
- Meets a certain benefits standard.
If you have an option that meets these standards, you cannot qualify for government subsidies to get private insurance on MNsure and cannot get MinnesotaCare. If your income is low enough, you may still qualify for Medical Assistance.
A federally and state-funded program that provides services to people 65 or older who do not yet qualify for Medical Assistance (MA). The services help people live in the community instead of in a nursing home.
For the purposes of benefits eligibility, an American Indian is a person who is recognized as an American Indian by a federally recognized tribe, or is recognized by the United States as an Indian and has a Certificate Degree of Indian Blood (CDIB) from the Bureau of Indian Affairs.
The federally recognized tribes in Minnesota are:
- Bois Forte Band of Chippewa
- Fond du Lac Band of Chippewa
- Grand Portage Band of Chippewa
- Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe
- Lower Sioux Indian Community in the State of Minnesota
- Mille Lacs Band of Ojibwe
- Prairie Island Indian Community in the State of Minnesota
- Red Lake Band of Chippewa
- Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community of Minnesota
- Upper Sioux Community
- White Earth Band of Ojibwe
Americans Indians:
- Do not have to pay a premium for health care coverage provided by the MA-EPD or MinnesotaCare programs.
- Do not have to pay any copayments or deductible for health insurance plans through MNsure if they earn less than 300% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines ($45,180 per year for an individual, $93,600 for a family of four).
A federal law that protects the rights of people with disabilities at work and in public places. The ADA makes it illegal for employers, the government, or other public agencies to discriminate against (to treat unfairly or unequally) disabled people at work and in most public places, places, such as restaurants, hotels, and theaters. The law also requires employers to make reasonable accommodations to allow employees with disabilities to do their jobs.
For most Minnesota programs, you have the choice of applying online or using a paper application. You can also apply in person at your local county or tribal human services office. Note: If you need help completing an application, Chat with a Hub expert.
Online Applications
For non-health programs, such as Minnesota Supplemental Aid (MSA) or the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), use MNbenefits.
For Minnesota health care programs, such as Medical Assistance (MA), Medical Assistance for Employed Persons with Disabilities (MA-EPD), or MinnesotaCare, use MNsure.
Paper Applications
For non-health programs, print out the Combined Application Form and turn it in to your county or tribal human services office.
For health programs, fill out a paper MNsure application and fax it to 1-651-431-7750 or mail it to the address listed on the form.
The following assets are excluded (not counted) when figuring out countable assets for disability-based Medical Assistance (MA):
- The home you live in.
- The car you drive to work.
- Income in the month of receipt. Example: If you earn $4,000 in October, that income is not counted as an asset in October.
- Household and personal goods including pets, furniture, clothing, jewelry, appliances, other tools and equipment used in the home.
- Money in an ABLE account.
The following payments may also be excluded:
- Payments made to people because of their status as victims of Nazi persecution. This includes reparation payments the Federal Republic of Germany makes to certain survivors of the Holocaust.
- Payments resulting from an appeal of public assistance benefits.
- Payments made under state or federal law for foster care and adoption assistance.
- Disaster relief funds paid by state and local governments and disaster relief organizations such as Red Cross and Salvation Army.
- State and federal tax rebates.
- Netherlands' Act (WUV) payments.
- Low Income Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) payments.
- Payments for tribal land claim settlements listed in Tribal Land Settlements and Trusts.
- Benefits from the Women, Infant, and Children (WIC) nutrition program.
- Reimbursements from the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policy Act of 1970.
- Payments received from youth incentive entitlement projects and youth community conservation and improvement projects.
- Reparation payments to Aleut people and people of Japanese ancestry under Public Law 100 383.
- Agent Orange payments to veterans and their dependents.
- Payments made under the Radiation Exposure Compensation Act (Public Law 101 426).
- Payments made by federal agencies under a presidential declaration of disaster including, but not limited to, individual and family grants from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).
- Title VII, Nutrition Program for the Elderly funds.
- VISTA payments made to volunteers (not permanent staff salaries).
- Accrued interest on assets if any excess is properly reduced at the eligibility recertification.
- Payments from the Vietnamese Commandos Compensation Act.
- Blood Product Litigation settlement payments.
- Settlements to hemophiliacs under the Ricky Ray Hemophilia Relief Act of 1998.
- Payments made to volunteers under the Domestic Volunteer Service Act of 1973.
- Older Americans Act benefits.
- Student financial aid should be excluded until the month following the last month of enrollment in classes. This includes funding from Pell Grants, SEOG, Perkins Loans, Student Educational Loan Funds, Guaranteed Student Loans, Minnesota State Student Loans, State Student Incentive Grants, Minnesota State Scholarships and Grants, Federal College Work-Study funds, any other financial aid funded in whole or in part by Title IV, and other educational funds.
- Funds to replace lost, damaged, or destroyed assets.
- The accumulation of clothing and personal needs allowance for people in long-term care facilities.
- Funds used to meet real estate tax, insurance, and upkeep expenses for real property that are held in a separate account.
- Some retroactive lump sum payments of RSDI and SSI Income.
- Payments of SSI, RSDI and Special Veterans Benefits for the Elderly due to representative payee misuse.
- Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) refunds or payments.
- Child Tax Credit (CTC) refunds or payments.
- Proceeds from the sale of a homestead for three months if the funds are applied to the purchase of another home during that period.
- Payments made to crime victims to compensate them for losses resulting from the crime.
- Austrian social insurance payments based, in whole or in part, on wage credits granted under Paragraphs 500-506 of the Austrian General Social Insurance Act.
- Volunteer payments under Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS) Programs, including AmeriCorps (VISTA), University Year for ACTION (UYA), Special and Demonstration Volunteer Programs, Retired Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP), Foster Grandparent Program, Senior Companion Program.
- Individual Development Account (IDA) - TANF funded.
- Individual Development Account (IDA).
- Payments made by the Department of Defense (DOD) to certain individuals who were captured and interned by North Vietnam.
- VA benefits paid to or on behalf of Vietnam or Korea service veterans’ natural children suffering disability due to spina bifida or other certain birth defects.
- Self-Support Assets.
For details on these asset exclusions, including the timeframes within which they can be claimed, Chat with a Hub expert.
The maximum amount of assets you're allowed to own while maintaining eligibility for a particular disability benefits program. Most benefits programs do not count everything you own, including the home you live in and one car you own. For Supplemental Security Income (SSI), the first $100,000 in an ABLE account is not counted as assets. For Medical Assistance, SNAP (formerly Food Support/Food Stamps), and some other programs, none of the money in an ABLE account is counted.
Also called a "resource limit."
Things that you own, like a car or a house. You can only own a certain amount in assets and still qualify for many health care and disability benefit programs. The home you live in and the car you drive to work are exempt under most Social Security and state disability benefit programs. For Supplemental Security Income (SSI), the first $100,000 in an ABLE account is not counted as assets. For Medical Assistance, SNAP (formerly Food Support/Food Stamps), and some other programs, none of the money in an ABLE account is counted.
Also called "resources."
Legislation that established Individual Development Account (IDA) programs for applicants who are not on MFIP. The three goals of AFIA include: providing individuals and families with incentives to save earned income, increasing self-sufficiency, and improving the community.
The MSA assistance standard is the minimum amount of money the state of Minnesota believes a person needs in order to pay for his or her basic needs. This amount is used along with the money you get from SSI and other sources to figure out the amount of your MSA benefit. The amount depends on whether you are an individual or an eligible couple; and on whether you are living alone or living with others. The MSA assistance standard is adjusted each year for the cost of living.
For a person living alone, the MSA assistance standard is $1,028/month for 2025.
- If you’re an individual living with others, the MSA assistance standard is $737.33. Notice that this is less than the SSI Federal Benefit Rate (FBR) for individuals ($967). So if you’re in this situation and you’re getting full SSI ($967), you won’t get any MSA unless you have some special needs expenses.
- The MSA assistance standard for an eligible couple living alone is $1,541.
- For an eligible couple living with others, the MSA assistance standard is $1,030.67. Again, this is less than FBR for a couple ($1,450), so there would be no MSA grant unless special needs expenses were in the picture.
- People living in certain residential facilities get $84/month for personal needs and clothing.
Technological devices that help people with disabilities carry out daily activities.
A set of characteristics such as your age, income, disability status, or family status that allows you to be eligible for Medical Assistance (MA).
Strategies to help people modify habits or behaviors that make it difficult for them to live in the community.
A report done by a benefits expert that gives you information about:
- How work could affect your benefits
- Work incentives that might be useful to you
- Health coverage options
- Your financial situation before and after working or taking a promotion
- How to track wages and benefits
A benefits analysis includes ongoing follow-up and support as you explore work and benefits. To learn more, Chat with a Hub expert.
A trained professional who can help you understand disability benefit programs and how they are affected by work. Their goal is to help you avoid financial complications while developing a sustainable plan for the future.
A Benefits Lookup report will tell you what benefits you are getting now, and how much. Authorized employees of the Minnesota Department of Human Services (DHS) will look up your state records and make a report for you. You can use that information to help you plan for a job or other changes. To get a Benefits Lookup, you must create a DB101 account using the "Register" button at the top of the page. Then click the "Projects" tab in the main menu, click "Get a Benefits Lookup," and follow the instructions.
A report that summarizes your current Social Security disability benefits and available work incentives. To order one, visit your local Social Security office or call 1-800-772-1213 (voice); 1-800-325-0778 (TTY). Be sure to review your BPQY carefully. If you have questions about it, contact a benefits expert or Social Security.
Tip: The BPQY is form number SSA-2459. If a Social Security Claims Representative does not know what a BPQY is, mention the form number.
An MA-Waiver program that provides services to people with a brain injury who qualify for Medical Assistance (MA). The services help people live in the community instead of in a nursing facility or neurobehavioral hospital (a hospital that offers long-term rehabilitation to people who have a brain injury).
For more information, contact your or Chat with a Hub expert.
The amount that will elapse before your eligibility for a Minnesota health care program will be reviewed.
Training provided to family members or other non-professional caregivers so they can better care for a person with a disability.
Services that help people access the MA-Waiver services they need. Case management services can include developing a service plan, informing the individual (or their guardian or conservator) of service options, helping identify potential service providers, coordinating services, evaluating and monitoring services, and annual reviews.
Assuming they meet all other eligibility criteria, U.S. citizens and Qualified Aliens (inlcuding those who meet I-551 or I-94 status) are eligible for both Social Security and state public benefits programs.
Legal residents who don't have I-551 or I-94 status may be eligible for some state programs, but not for Social Security programs. This could include Legal Permanent Residents (LPRs), refugees, asylees, conditional entrants, people certified as victims of trafficking, certain people whose immigration status is pending, people under Temporary Protected or Family Unity Beneficiary Status, Lawful Temporary Residents, applicants for asylum, people who have been granted or are applying for withholding of removal, and all other people with a lawfully residing immigrant status.
People who are undocumented or non-immigrants are eligible for fewer programs.
Services designed to improve cognitive abilities (e.g., the ability to reason, make judgments, remember).
An MA-Waiver program that provides services to people with disabilities who qualify for Medical Assistance (MA). The services help people live in the community instead of in a nursing home.
For more information, contact your county or tribal human services office or Chat with a Hub expert.
An MA-Waiver program that provides services to people who are chronically ill and qualify for Medical Assistance (MA). The services help people live in the community instead of in a hospital.
For more information, contact your county or tribal human services office or Chat with a Hub expert.
Plan that helps MA-Waiver recipients identify and access the services and supports they need to live in the community. The plan is designed to suit each individual's needs. Also referred to as a "plan of care."
This option gives the consumer more responsibility for directing the services and supports being provided to them, including hiring and managing direct care staff.
A conversion insurance policy is something you can buy when your employer-sponsored group health insurance policy ends. It lets you keep buying insurance through the same insurance company. You may have to use up all your COBRA coverage first, before you can get a conversion policy, depending on the regulations in your state.
A set amount you have to pay when you receive medical services. For example, you may have to pay $30 every time you visit the doctor or $20 to get a prescription refilled. This is also known as a "copay."
A "cost-effective" determination means that it is cheaper for MA to pay for your health insurance premium, copayments, deductibles, and other related costs than it would be for MA to pay directly for the health care services you require. Generally, if the services paid for by your health insurance are more than double the premium amount, it will be cost-effective for MA to pay your portion of the premium.
The amount of income that Social Security or the state counts when figuring out if you qualify for benefits and, if so, the level of benefits you should get. Not all of your income counts.
Example: Supplemental Security Income (SSI) counts most unearned income, but a bit less than half of earned income. So, if you have $500 in unearned income and $500 in earned income, your countable income for SSI would be just $697.50, even though your total income would be $1,000. Other programs, such as disability-based Medical Assistance and Medicare Savings Programs often use calculations similar to SSI's.
The following disregards and cash payments are deducted (subtracted) when figuring out your countable gross income for disability-based Medical Assistance (MA) or MA with a spenddown. They are not, however, deducted in this estimator:
- Disabled Widow/Widower Disregard
- Widow/Widower Disregard
- Pickle Disregard
- Disabled Adult Child Disregard
- RSDI COLA Disregard
- PASS Deduction
- Blind Disabled Student Child Disregard
- Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
- Minnesota Supplemental Aid (MSA)
- Minnesota Family Investment Program (MFIP)
- General Assistance (GA)
- Diversionary Work Program (DWP)
- Refugee Cash Assistance (RCA)
If you qualify for any of these disregards or if you're on any of these cash payment programs (e.g., SSI or MSA), you can likely earn a higher income and keep access to MA. Similarly, your spenddown for MA will probably be lower than what's shown in the estimator.
Note that participation in many cash payment programs results in access to MA.
If you have questions about disability-based MA, Chat with a Hub expert.
The calculation used to determine how much of your unearned and earned income is counted when determining your eligibility for certain disability benefit programs. Different programs often use different formulas to determine countable income.
Rules used by Social Security and Medical Assistance (MA) that determine an individual’s eligibility when living with a non-disabled spouse. If the individual is a minor, deeming rules apply to the parents.
An MA-Waiver program that provides services to people with developmental disabilities or related conditions who qualify for Medical Assistance (MA). The services help people live in the community instead of in an Intermediate Care Facility for Persons with Developmental Disabilities (ICF/DD).
For more information, contact your county or tribal human services office or Chat with a Hub expert.
Under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), you are disabled if you have, have a record of, or are regarded as having a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities, such as hearing, seeing, speaking, walking, breathing, performing manual tasks, caring for oneself, learning, or working. Major life activities also include the operation of major body functions, including:
- The immune system
- Special sense organs
- The skin
- Cell growth
- Digestive, genitourinary, bowel, and bladder functions
- The nervous system and brain
- Respiratory, circulatory, cardiovascular, endocrine, hemic, lymphatic, musculoskeletal, and reproductive functions
An agency ruling that you have a disability and are therefore entitled to benefits. To qualify for disability benefits, the Social Security Administration or the State Medical Review Team (SMRT) must review your situation and determine that you have a disability. If you're on SSI, SSDI, or any Minnesota disability benefits program, you've already been determined disabled by Social Security or SMRT.
Social Security benefits for adults who:
- Became disabled before turning 22, and
- Have a parent who died or who gets retirement or SSDI benefits.
Also called "Childhood Disability Benefits" (CDB).
A four-month program that helps low-income Minnesota families find jobs.
The goal of DWP is to help parents immediately go to work rather than go on welfare. Parents are expected to sign an employment plan before their family is approved for DWP. After families have an employment plan, they can receive financial assistance to meet their basic needs and get other supports, such as SNAP and child and health care assistance.
When most families first apply for cash assistance, they will participate in DWP. Some families may be referred to the Minnesota Family Investment Program. DWP began in July 2004.
A term used to describe individuals eligible for both Medicare and Medical Assistance.
Salaries, wages, tips, professional fees, and other amounts you receive as pay for physical or mental work you perform. This can include things you get in exchange for work instead of wages, such as food, shelter, or other items. Funds received from any other source are not included. (Contrast: unearned income.)
An MA-Waiver program that provides services to people 65 or older who qualify for Medical Assistance (MA). The services help people live in the community instead of in a nursing home.
A way to qualify for Medical Assistance (MA) health coverage. There are several different ways to qualify, each with specific requirements. An individual may be eligible for more than one category.
A Minnesota Family Investment Program (MFIP) Employment Plan must include:
- Your employment goals
- Details about how you will reach those goals
- Timelines
- Details about your job search
- A statement saying that you are willing to take an appropriate job when it’s offered
- Information about the help you’ll receive from your employment counselor
The fundamental job duties that you must be able to perform on your own or with the help of a reasonable accommodation. An employer cannot refuse to hire you because your disability prevents you from performing duties that are not essential to the job. At the same time, you cannot ask for an essential function to be removed from your job description as a reasonable accommodation.
A three-year period (36 months) after your SSDI Trial Work Period ends, during which you can keep getting SSDI benefits in any month when you earn less than the Substantial Gainful Activity level ($1,620 in 2025; $2,700 if you're blind).
If you earn more than SGA, your SSDI benefits will be suspended. However, during the EPE, you are eligible to have your SSDI benefits restarted if your earnings drop below SGA.
Monthly and annual income amounts used to determine financial eligibility for state and federal benefit programs.
Each year, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) issues the Federal Poverty Guidelines (FPG) in the Federal Register. The current FPG for one person is $15,650 per year; for two people, it's $21,150. Add $5,500 for each additional person.
Some agencies refer to these guidelines as the "Federal Poverty Level (FPL)" or "Federal Poverty Line (FPL)."
Note: Different state and federal programs adopt the new Federal Poverty Guidelines on different dates each year.
Free MA covers all medically necessary health care services at no charge or for a small fee. If you meet eligibility requirements, including income limits, you will qualify for the program. If you qualify because of disability, asset limits may apply also.
If you get SSI, you will likely qualify for MA. You must apply for it separately though (you can't apply for it at Social Security).
A state program that gives monthly cash assistance to low-income Minnesotans. The maximum GA benefit for individuals is $350/month ($350 for couples).
To qualify for the program, you must fit into one of 15 categories, most of which are based on disability or unemployability. If you're applying for GA, you're usually required to apply for Social Security benefits as well. The GA asset limit is $10,000 for couples and individuals, and your monthly net income must be less than $350 ($350 for couples). For more information or to apply, contact your county or tribal human services office.
Coverage offered to an individual through a group, such as employer-sponsored, association-affiliated or professional group coverage.
Home care services can be given to people on Medical Assistance (MA) if the services are medically necessary, ordered by a doctor, and given according to a written service plan. Home care services are given in a person's home or outside the home if normal life activities take them there. They are not provided in hospitals or nursing facilities.
Home care services covered by MA include:
- Equipment and supplies (e.g., wheelchairs)
- Home health aide
- Personal Care Assistant (PCA) services
- Private duty nursing
- Skilled nursing visits
- Occupational, physical, respiratory and speech therapies
Tasks such as meal preparation, shopping, errands, and routine household care are all examples of homemaker services.
For MA-EPD enrollees or applicants who are 21 or older, your household includes the following people if they are living with you:
- your spouse (unless he/she is applying for or on MA-EPD)
- your biological or adopted children, including those who are temporarily absent (e.g., at school)
- your spouse's biological or adopted children, including those who are temporarily absent (e.g., at school)
- your unborn children or your spouse's unborn children (if you or your spouse is pregnant).
For MA-EPD enrollees or applicants who are under age 21, your household includes the following people if they are living with you:
- your biological or adoptive parents
- your stepparent if your other biological or adoptive parent lives with you
- your siblings (biological, adopted, or step siblings)
- your unborn sibling or half-sibling with whom you share a common parent
- your spouse (unless he/she is applying for or on MA-EPD)
- your minor children or unborn children if you are pregnant.
The Housing Support program helps pay room-and-board costs for people with disabilities, and people aged 65 or over, who live in certain settings. Housing Support may also pay for services in some cases. To find out if you qualify for Housing Support, contact your county or tribal human services office.
Documented expenses for services or items that are related to a serious medical condition or impairment and needed in order to work. Wheelchairs, physician visits, copayments for prescriptions, and other medical expenses are some examples of IRWEs. The expenses must be verified by original receipts and canceled checks and approved by Social Security.
Income from work or other sources in the month that you receive it. Minnesota health care programs do not count your income in the month of receipt when determining your assets. So if you receive $2,000 in May from work, that $2,000 is not counted as an asset in May, but may be counted as an asset in June.
The highest income you can have while still qualifying for a particular benefits program.
Services to help people develop and maintain the skills needed to live within the community. For people on a Brain Injury (BI) Waiver, ILS services are part of the individual’s plan of care and have specific therapeutic goals.
A savings account in which your deposits are "matched" at a certain rate. If you have a 2-to-1 match, for example, an additional $2 will be deposited for every $1 that you deposit in your account. IDAs are usually used to save for school, purchasing a home, or starting a business.
Each enrollee in a MA-Waiver program has their own plan outlining the services they need to continue living safely in the community. This is known as a “individual plan of care” (sometimes referred to as a “community support plan”).
A residential facility that provides services to people with developmental disabilities or related conditions.
A service that helps a person with a disability to keep a job. A job coach may:
- Help you transition into employment at the beginning of a job
- Provide ongoing support as you work
- Train you
- Talk to your employer about how to support you
- Help you figure out transportation to and from work
Assets you own with someone else. If you own a boat, for example, and the title is in your name and your spouse's name, it's considered a joint asset.
Living alone is one of the assistance standards that helps determine how much you get in Minnesota Supplemental Aid (MSA) benefits. For a person living alone, the MSA assistance standard is $1,028/month for 2025. The MSA assistance standard for an eligible couple living alone is $1,541.
Important: A person does not have to actually be living alone in order to be considered to be living alone by the MSA program. Here are some examples of situations where a person can be sharing a place with other people, but still have the MSA living alone assistance standard:
- A person who shares an apartment, but has her own room, buys her own food and prepares it herself, while having her own rental agreement or lease. Even though she is sharing the apartment, she still is considered to be living alone, because she takes care of herself and her own expenses.
- A person who gets help from an MA-Waiver program
- A person who meets county plan requirements for the Housing Support program
- A person who qualifies for MSA Housing Assistance
People in any one of the situations above may be considered to be living alone by the MSA program.
A review of your situation to see what long-term care programs and services are best for you. The LTCC can help you figure out what services and programs might help you live in the community, including MA-Waiver programs, Medical Assistance (MA), personal care assistance (PCA) services, or other benefits. Even if you are not eligible for public benefits, the LTCC can help you understand what services, accommodations, and resources exist.
Note: MnCHOICES assessments are replacing the LTCC throughout Minnesota.
A place where people who need 24-hour skilled nursing can stay. To be admitted into a long-term care facility, you must go through a pre-admission screening to make sure you need this level of care.
There are three types of long-term care facilities:
- Nursing homes
- Boarding Care Homes, and
- Intermediate Care Facilities for Persons with Developmental Disabilities (ICF/DD).
Some people who live in long-term care facilities may be able to live in the community by getting similar services in their own homes or apartments.
Learn more about long-term care facilities on Housing Benefits 101.
MA-TEFRA is a way for children with disabilities to get Medical Assistance (MA) health coverage if they would not otherwise qualify for MA due to their parents' income. MA-TEFRA does not count parental income for a child's eligibility purposes.
To learn more about MA-TEFRA, Chat with a Hub expert.
Some people require additional services beyond what's covered under standard Medical Assistance (MA). Minnesota's MA-Waiver Programs are designed to serve these people and provide the services necessary to allow them to live in the community.
Not all people with disabilities will qualify for a MA-Waiver program; each program serves a different target population and has its own set of eligibility criteria. Here are four MA-Waiver programs available to Minnesotans with a disability:
The Community Alternative Care (CAC) Waiver provides services to people who are chronically ill and need the level of care provided in a hospital.
The Community Access for Disability Inclusion (CADI) Waiver serves people with disabilities who need the level of care offered in a nursing facility.
The Developmental Disabilities (DD) Waiver provides services to people with developmental disabilities or related conditions.
The Brain Injury (BI) Waiver provides services to people with brain injuries.
Each of these programs offers a different set of services based on the population it serves. All of these programs offer Personal Care Assistant services, extended home health aide and nursing services, extended homemaker services, medical equipment and supply services, and increased transportation services.
To apply for a MA-Waiver program, contact your county or tribal human services office.
A joint federal and state program that provides assistance with medical costs to low income individuals and families. Medicaid programs vary from state to state. The federal Medicaid program is called Medical Assistance in Minnesota.
A state-run health care program that pays medical expenses for people who are disabled, young, elderly, poor, or pregnant. If you meet program requirements, MA will help pay for a variety of medical services including visits to the doctor, hospital stays, medical equipment, home care services, and prescription drugs. To apply for MA, visit your county or tribal human services office.
You get the same health coverage with free Medical Assistance (MA), Medical Assistance for Employed Persons with Disabilities (MA-EPD), and MA with a spenddown. All three plans pay for a broad range of medical services, often more than private coverage. The following are covered by all three plans:
- Physician and health clinic visits
- Medical equipment services (e.g. – wheelchairs)
- Mental health services
- Inpatient and outpatient hospital services
- Personal Care Assistant (PCA) services
- Physical, occupational, and speech therapy
- Transportation services
- Case management services
- Home care services
Other services covered include immunizations, lab and x-ray work, family planning and pregnancy services, alcohol and drug treatment, hospice care, and nursing care.
To apply for free MA, MA-EPD, and MA with a spenddown, contact your county or tribal human services office.
If you have countable income that is greater than the income limit for disability-based MA, you may need to pay a spenddown to maintain disability-based MA coverage. A spenddown is the amount of money you have to pay for health care expenses each month before MA starts to pay for the rest of your health care bills. You do not have to pay the full spenddown amount if your medical bills are less in any month. If, however, your monthly medical bills average less than your spenddown for several months, you will likely lose eligibility for the program at your next six-month review.
Once you have paid your spenddown amount, you won't have to pay any more for health care received in that month. For this reason, if you plan all your non-urgent medical and dental appointments in the same month, you may pay less.
To apply for Medical Assistance (MA), contact your county or tribal human services office.
A program that gives Medical Assistance (MA) health coverage to employed people with disabilities. To qualify you must:
- Be considered disabled by Social Security or the State Medical Review Team (SMRT)
- Earn more than $65 a month and be paying Medicare and Social Security taxes, and
- Pay a monthly premium.
MA-EPD covers the same services as standard MA, but lets you have higher income without losing your coverage.
Certain medical standards that you have to meet to qualify for a program.
All public health care and benefits programs require that your medical condition be re-assessed within certain timeframes. If Social Security or the State Medical Review Team determines that you are no longer disabled during one of these assessments, you’ll lose your eligibility for that program. This is known as “medical redetermination.”
The Medicare Part D Low Income Subsidy pays the monthly premiums for all benchmark plans. There are 3 such plans in Minnesota in 2025:
- BCBS MedicareBlue Rx
- First Health Part D Premier
- HealthSpring Prescription Drug Plan
- Humana Walmart – Preferred Rx Plan
- Silverscript CVS Caremark Value
- Sterling Rx
- United Healthcare AARP Medicare Rx Preferred
- Universal American Community CCRx Basic
- WellCare Classic
Minnesota Senior Health Options (MSHO) is also considered a benchmark plan. If you have questions about Part D benchmark plans, Chat with a Hub expert.
Medicare Savings Programs are programs that help people with low income and low assets pay for their Medicare expenses, such as Medicare Part A and Medicare Part B premiums, coinsurance, and deductibles. There are three Medicare Savings Programs:
- The Qualified Medicare Beneficiary (QMB) program helps people with countable income that’s 100% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines (FPG) or less ($1,255 per month or less if you live alone). QMB helps pay for your Part B premium, copayments, and deductibles.
- The Specified Low-Income Beneficiary (SLMB) program helps people with countable income that’s more than 100% of FPG, but at or below 120% of FPG ($1,506 per month or less if you live alone). SLMB helps pay for the Part B premium, but does not help with anything else.
- The Qualified Individual (QI) program helps people with countable income that’s more than 120% of FPG, but at or below 135% of FPG ($1,695 per month or less if you live alone). QI-1 helps pay for the Part B premium, but does not help with anything else.
The asset limit for QMB, SLMB, and QI is $10,000 if you live alone and $18,000 if you live with someone else.
A supplemental insurance policy sold by private insurance companies to fill gaps in Original Medicare. In Minnesota, there are 2 Medicare supplement plans: the Basic Plan and the Extended Basic Plan. These plans are standardized. One company’s Basic Plan must offer the same services as another company’s Basic Plan.
Medicare supplement policies are available only to individuals using Original Medicare and it is illegal for an insurance carrier to sell a Medicare supplement to an individual who does not have Original Medicare.
Medicare supplements are sometimes referred to as "Medigap."
A program that used to offer health insurance to people who were been turned down for private coverage due to pre-existing conditions. MNsure now offers coverage for Minnesotans with pre-existing conditions, so MCHA is no longer needed.
On December 31, 2014, all MCHA coverage ended. You can no longer get health coverage through MCHA.
This is Minnesota's Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program (sometimes called "welfare-to-work"). It provides cash and food assistance to low-income families with children, and also helps with job training and finding employment.
MFIP used to be called "Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC)."
Health care program for people age 65 or older who are eligible for Medical Assistance (MA) only, or who are eligible for MA and enrolled in Medicare Parts A and B. The program covers the same services as MA and Medicare and may offer additional services as well.
A state agency that provides people with vision loss or who are blind with services that help them prepare for, find, and keep jobs. These services can include counseling, training, and job placement. It can also including other types of training that help people with vision loss live as independently as possible.
To qualify, you need to be legally blind. People who get SSI or SSDI because of their vision loss are automatically eligible.
To learn more, visit the Workforce Development Unit of Minnesota State Services for the Blind website or call 1-651-539-2300 or 1-800-652-9000.
For a listing of local SSB offices, click here.
A state program that provides a monthly cash benefit to people who are aged, blind or disabled and who get Supplemental Security Income (SSI). Some people who don't get SSI may still be eligible for MSA if their income is low enough and they meet other program criteria.
The MSA benefit you get depends on your living arrangements, the amount you get in SSI (if you get an SSI benefit), and whether or not you have any special needs expenses. The current monthly MSA benefit for many individuals is $81 ($111 for couples). To apply for MSA, visit your county or tribal human services office.
A special needs expense that can be added to your MSA assistance standard to help you move from an institution or Housing Support (formerly GRH) setting into the community. Your total shelter costs (rent, utilities, and initial security deposit) must be more than 40% of your household gross income to qualify for Housing Assistance.
Currently, the MSA Housing Assistance amount is $471.5. Every year, this amount is adjusted on July 1st, to be half of Supplemental Security Income's Federal Benefit Rate (FBR).
A state agency that helps people with disabilities prepare for, find, and keep jobs. To apply for services, call or visit a vocational rehabilitation counselor at a CareerForce location.
A health insurance program for low-income Minnesota residents who do not have access to Medicare, Medical Assistance, or employer-sponsored coverage. You pay a monthly premium for MinnesotaCare based on your family's income.
You can apply for MinnesotaCare at your county or tribal human services office or MNsure.
A review of your situation to see what long-term care programs and services are best for you. A MnCHOICES assessment may include reviews of:
- Long-term care needs
- Personal care assistance options, and
- Developmental disability screening.
The MnCHOICES assessment can help you figure out what services and programs might help you live in the community, including MA-Waiver programs, Medical Assistance (MA), personal care assistance (PCA) services, or other benefits. Even if you are not eligible for public benefits, the assessment can help you understand what services, accommodations, and resources exist.
Anyone who needs long-term care can call their local county or tribal human services office and request a MnCHOICES assessment. The county has to schedule the consultation within 20 days.
Note: Long-Term Care Consultations (LTCCs) used to help people in a similar way. MnCHOICES assessments are replacing the LTCC throughout Minnesota.
A website where Minnesotans can sign up for private individual health coverage or public health plans, such as Medical Assistance or MinnesotaCare.
The government may help individuals and families with low to middle income who get their coverage through MNsure pay for their monthly premiums and a portion of the cost of approved medical services.
Note: Individuals who have been determined disabled by the Social Security Administration (SSA) should Chat with a Hub expert or with the local county or tribal human services office before signing up for a plan through MNsure.
Physical changes made to a person’s home or vehicle to better accommodate that person’s disability. Examples of such modifications include widening doorways for easier wheelchair access or adding extra hand controls to a vehicle.
A person currently in the United States who has not attained U.S. citizenship by birth or naturalization. This includes asylees, lawful permanent residents, nonimmigrants, refugees, and undocumented people.
There used to be a monthly fee that parents might have to pay for their child's Medical Assistance (MA) coverage if their family income exceeded 280 percent of Federal Poverty Guidelines (FPG). This fee was eliminated on July 1, 2023.
A group of specialists at the Social Security Administration (SSA) who review, monitor, and approve Plans to Achieve Self-Support (PASS). They can also help you as you write your plan.
To contact the St. Paul PASS Cadre (serving all of Minnesota), call 1-866-667-6032, ext. 34021.
Assistance and support services for people with disabilities who live independently in the community. A qualified personal care assistant provides the services in the person’s own home or in the community.
Supervision and assistance provided in the home or community that helps the person achieve greater independence, productivity and inclusion in the community. Personal support services are provided when training services are not necessary.
Plan that helps MA-Waiver recipients identify and access the services and supports they need to live in the community. The plan is designed to suit each individual's needs. Also referred to as a "community support plan."
A regularly scheduled payment to an insurer or health care plan.
A monthly payment MA-EPD enrollees must make to remain in the program. The amount of the premium depends on the participant's income and household size, with a minimum of $35. There is no maximum premium.
Any document that the state will accept as proof of your identity. Click here for a listing.
If you own your own home, you may be eligible for a refund on some of the money you spend on property taxes each year. This is known as a "property tax refund."
If your annual household income is less than $139,320, you may qualify for a property tax refund of up to $3,410. If you rent your home and your annual household income is less than $75,390, you may qualify for a renter's credit (also referred to as a "property tax refund") of up to $2,640. If you rent, you get your refund for rent paid in 2024 when you file your 2024 taxes (filing by April 2025).
To learn more about both programs, including how to apply, click here.
A Medicare Savings Program that pays for Medicare Part B premiums. To qualify, you must meet all of the following criteria:
Be eligible for Medicare Part B.
Have countable monthly income that is more than 120% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines (FPG), but at or below 135% of FPG. That's $1,506 – $1,695 per month for individuals, $2,044 – $2,300 for a family of two. This monthly income limit increases by $605 for each additional family member.
Have assets at or below the limit ($10,000 for individuals, $18,000 for a family of two).
A person who (a) has certain characteristics that the employer asks job applicants to have, such as education, work experience, skills, or licenses, and (b) can perform the essential functions of the job with or without reasonable accommodations.
A Medicare Savings Program that pays for Medicare Part A and Part B premiums, copayments, coinsurance, and deductibles. To qualify, you must meet all of the following criteria:
- Be eligible for Medicare Part A and Part B.
- Have countable income at or below 100% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines (FPG). That's $1,255/month for individuals, $1,704/month for a family of two. This monthly income limit goes up by $448 for each additional family member.
- Have assets at or below the limit ($10,000 for individuals, $18,000 for a family of two).
A reasonable accommodation is an adjustment or modification that enables a person with a disability to participate in, benefit from, enjoy, use, or do something.
- In a job or workplace, a reasonable accommodation allows an employee to successfully perform the essential functions of the job. Examples: Screen reader software; sign language interpreters; ramps.
- In education, a reasonable accommodation allows a student to successfully participate in an activity, class, test, or other aspect of school. Examples: Extended time during exams; wheelchair-accessible testing stations; special seating arrangements.
- In housing, a reasonable accommodation allows a person to live in and enjoy their place. Examples: Grab bars in a bathroom; accessible parking spaces; a different way to submit a housing application; a change in tenant selection criteria.
A state tax refund of up to $2,640 for people who rent the place they live in and have annual household income below $75,390. To get this refund, you must file a separate form from your state taxes, and your refund will also be sent to you separately from any regular state tax refund you may get. Also called the "Renter’s Credit."
Agencies to which you need to report any changes in your income or living situation, if you get public benefits.
If you're on Supplemental Security Income (SSI) or Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI), call Social Security at 1-800-772-1213 or 1-800-325-0778 (TTY), or visit your local Social Security office, and ask what's the best way for you to report. Note: Reporting rules for SSI and SSDI are different and if you get both benefits, you must report income for them separately.
If you're on Medical Assistance (MA), Minnesota Supplemental Aid (MSA), General Assistance (GA), Housing Support (formerly Group Residential Housing), or any other state health care or cash assistance programs, report any changes in earnings to your county or tribal human services office.
A person who gets and manages benefits on someone else's behalf. Social Security does an investigation before making a relative, friend, or other person the representative payee of a beneficiary who needs help managing their benefits. For children under 18, a parent or guardian is usually the representative payee.
The maximum amount of resources you're allowed to own while maintaining eligibility for a particular disability benefits program. Most benefits programs do not count everything you own, including the home you live in and one car you own. For Supplemental Security Income (SSI), the first $100,000 in an ABLE account is not counted as resources. For Medical Assistance, SNAP (formerly Food Support/Food Stamps), and some other programs, none of the money in an ABLE account is counted.
Also called an "asset limit."
Temporary assistance provided on a short-term basis when the primary care provider is absent.
Eligibility for a particular program that is granted for months prior to the month of application. Some state health care programs, for example, allow you to begin your health coverage three months prior to the month you apply.
The total amount of money that a business earns before expenses are deducted.
Example: Julia's consulting business earns $5,000 per month, but spends $2,000 per month on expenses. Her company's total monthly revenue is $5,000; her company's monthly net income ($5,000 minus $2,000) is $3,000.
A special account that used to help people who get Housing Support (formerly Group Residential Housing) benefits with a General Assistance (GA) basis of eligibility. They could put up to $500 a month of their earned income into this account, up to a maximum of $2,000. Housing Support did not count this money as earned income or savings.
Important: As of October 1, 2015, people can no longer put money into a Self-Sufficiency Account and have that money be ignored by the Housing Support program. You can call your county worker if you have questions or call the Disability Hub MN at 1-866-333-2466.
A Medicare Savings Program that pays for Medicare Part B premiums. To qualify, you must meet all of the following criteria:
- Be eligible for Medicare Part A and Part B.
- Have countable income that's 120% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines (FPG) or less ($1,506 per month for individuals, $2,044 for a family of two). The monthly income limit increases by $538 for each additional family member.
- Have assets at or below the limit ($10,000 for individuals, $18,000 for a family of two).
A Social Security Administration program that gives money each month to people who have a disability that meets Social Security disability rules and who, in the past, worked and paid FICA taxes for enough time to qualify. SSDI has no income limits and no resource limits. The amount you get in SSDI benefits depends on your Social Security earnings record. After getting SSDI benefits for two years, you automatically qualify for Medicare health coverage.
SSDI also offers benefits to family members, including children and widows, when a primary wage earner in the family becomes disabled or dies. Additionally, adults whose disabilities began before they turned 22 may be able to get Disabled Adult Child (DAC).
Extra costs you have that Minnesota Supplemental Aid (MSA) will help you pay for. Special needs expenses can be things you need just once or they can be ongoing expenses you have each month.
Special needs expenses must be approved by your county or tribal human services office before MSA will pay for them. Examples of things that might be approved include:
- Medically prescribed diets (foods you must have for health reasons)
- Fees you pay to a representative payee who collects your Supplemental Security Income (SSI) payments
- Needed home repairs, furniture, or appliances
- Emergency basic needs expenses like food and shelter.
You must fully document all special needs expenses with receipts or other proof.
A supplemental payment added to your MSA benefit for one-time or regular monthly special needs expenses.
Special assistance for people who need help in areas like behavior management, independent living skills, communication skills, personal health, motor skills, and social skills. While other Medical Assistance (MA) and MA-Waiver services address many of these areas, specialist services are provided when extra help in one of these areas is required.
If you have countable income that is greater than the income limit for disability-based Medical Assistance (MA), you may need to pay a spenddown to get MA coverage. A spenddown is the amount of money you have to pay for health care expenses each month before MA starts to pay for the rest of your health care bills.
You do not have to pay the full spenddown amount if your medical bills are less than the spenddown in any month. If, however, your monthly medical bills average less than your spenddown amount for several months, you will likely lose eligibility for the program at your next six-month review.
Once you have paid your spenddown amount, you won't have to pay any more for health care received in that month.
State programs that receive money from the federal government to provide free, local health insurance counseling on Medicare. Call the Senior LinkAge Line at 1-800-333-2433 to find a counselor near you.
A group within Minnesota's Department of Human Services (DHS) that decides whether or not the state considers you blind or disabled for state benefits programs. SMRT uses a standard process to decide whether people who are not already considered disabled by the Social Security Administration (SSA) meet the state's disability standards.
If you already get benefits from Social Security based on your disability, such as Supplemental Security Income (SSI) or Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI), your disability automatically meets the state’s standards and you do not need to be reviewed again by SMRT.
Contact your local county or tribal human services office to request a SMRT review.
Designed for people who may benefit from continued assistance with community living skills. Structured day program services take place in a non-residential setting.
The amount of monthly earned income that shows a person is doing significant work according to Social Security. People who cannot earn more than SGA due to their disabilities may be considered disabled by Social Security and other agencies that use Social Security’s definition of disability.
In 2025, SGA is $1,620 per month ($2,700 for people who are blind).
SGA levels for previous years:
Year | Disabled, Non-blind | Blind |
2024 | $1,550 | $2,590 |
2023 | $1,470 | $2,460 |
2022 | $1,350 | $2,260 |
2021 | $1,310 | $2,190 |
2020 | $1,260 | $2,110 |
2019 | $1,220 | $2,040 |
2018 | $1,180 | $1,970 |
2017 | $1,170 | $1,950 |
2016 | $1,130 | $1,820 |
2015 | $1,090 | $1,820 |
2014 | $1,070 | $1,800 |
2013 | $1,040 | $1,740 |
2012 | $1,010 | $1,690 |
2011 | $1,000 | $1,640 |
2010 | $1,000 | $1,640 |
A county-run, federal program that helps people with low incomes buy food. Formerly called Food Support (in MN) or Food Stamps.
A Social Security Administration program that gives cash benefits to people with disabilities who have limited income and resources. The amount you get in SSI benefits is based on your financial need and your living situation. The maximum monthly SSI benefit is $967 for individuals and $1,450 for eligible couples.
Services to help people with disabilities find a job or remain employed. Services include things like job skills training, job coaching, or help requesting workplace accommodations.
Services provided to people who require daily staff assistance due to severe behavior problems, medical conditions, physical problems, or lack of adequate survival skills. Services are designed to help people acquire and improve their self-help, socialization, and adaptive skills.
Supportive housing is affordable rental housing that includes services which support residents in improving their quality of life. It is often for people who are experiencing homelessness and have difficulties getting and keeping housing. If you live in supportive housing, you pay a portion of your income for rent and you get services for free.
Supportive housing is available in many locations across the state. In some cases, all apartments in a building could be supportive housing. In other locations, a few supportive housing units might be in a mixed-use building that includes market-rate rentals or offices. Elsewhere, you may be able to choose your own apartment, get help paying for it, and get free supportive services.
A federal welfare-to-work program, formerly known as Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC), that provides cash and food assistance to low-income families with children. Each state has its own TANF program; Minnesota's TANF program is called the Minnesota Family Investment Program (MFIP).
Services to help people move from an assisted living environment (e.g., adult foster care homes, hospitals, nursing facilities) to their own home.
A program that helps pay for child care while parents are working, looking for work, or going to school. Transitional Year Child Care is for people who recently got off the Minnesota Family Investment Program (MFIP) who can’t get Basic Sliding Fee Child Care Assistance because their county has a waiting list.
The Trial Work Period is the nine Trial Work months occurring within a five-year window when you can work and continue to get your full SSDI benefit. These work months can occur one right after the other or be spread out over time.
Tribal per capita payments are not counted as income by these Minnesota programs:
- Minnesota Supplemental Aid (MSA)
- General Assistance (GA)
- Housing Support
- The Minnesota Family Investment Program (MFIP)
- The Diversionary Work Program (DWP)
- The Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP)
Note: This income started to be excluded by these programs on January 1, 2024.
A person who is:
- Born in one of the 50 states, Washington D.C., Puerto Rico, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands, U.S. Virgin Islands, American Samoa, or Swain’s Island
- Born outside of the U.S. to at least one parent who is a U.S. citizen
- Granted citizenship status by U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS)
When applying for benefits, contact the agency you are applying to to find out what documents are acceptable for proving citizenship.
For the purposes of the Sage program, being "under-insured" includes having insurance that does not cover breast or cervical cancer screening, insurance with unmet deductibles or copayments, and Medicare coverage that won't pay for office visits related to breast/cervical cancer, pap smears, or mammograms.
A reasonable accommodation you request that is too difficult or too expensive for an employer to get, in relation to the employer's size, financial resources, and the needs of the business. If a reasonable accommodation request causes an employer "undue hardship," then the employer does not have to get the requested accommodation.
Funds received from sources for which no paid work activity is performed. Disability benefits such as SSDI, SSI, short-term disability insurance, and long-term disability insurance; VA benefits; Workers' Compensation; income from a trust or investment; spousal support; dividends, profits, or funds received from any source other than work are all usually considered unearned income.
The Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA) is a federal law that protects veterans’ and service members’ employment rights. It says that a person can miss up to five years of work because of military duty and have the right to be re-employed by the employer they had before going on duty. It also requires employers to make reasonable accommodations for disabled veterans.
Work incentives are rules that help people who get public benefits and work. They let people get a benefit while they're working, keep a benefit longer while they work, or get a benefit back quickly if it stops due to work.
All public benefits in Minnesota have work incentives, including Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI), Supplemental Security Income (SSI), Medicare, and Medical Assistance.
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